Corporate Office
1 Briercroft Office Park Lubbock, TX 79412
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Past Projects
Greenfield Projects

Abernathy to White River
AJ Swope to Windmill
Alibates to AJ Swope
Alibates to Tule Canyon
White River to Cottonwood
Windmill to Ogallala
Ogallala to Tule Canyon
Tule Canyon to White River
Antelope/Elk Center to Abernathy
Cross Valley
Ogallala to Blackwater Draw
Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point
Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain
Double Mountain to Fiddlewood
Fiddlewood to Farmland
Oliver to Posey
Sale Ranch to Natural Dam
Tall City to Glass Ranch
Solar Farm Projects

Rockhound Solar Project A - 300 MW Solar Field
Rockhound Solar Project B - 250 MW Solar Field
Rebuild Projects

Holly to Southeast
Holly to Slaton
Northwest to Mackenzie
Blue Acres to Yosemite
Brown to Grady
Brown to Koch
Bulldog to Coyote
Bulldog to Elbow
Bulldog to Salt Mine
Carterville to Eiland
Coronado Tap Switch
Coyote to Luther
Driver to Hadacol Corner
East Stiles to Rocky Road
Einstein to Carterville
Einstein to WETT
Elbow to Eiland
Hadacol Corner to Canal Road
Koch to Vealmoor
Longdraw to Grassland
South Midland to Blue Acre
South Midland to Pronghorn
St. Lawrence to East Stiles St. Lawrence to Einstein
Salt Mine to Barber Lake
Skywest to Driver
South Midland to Blue Acre
South Midland to Pronghorn
St. Lawrence to East Stiles
St. Lawrence to Einstein
Stiles to Ringo
Tall City to Pecan Grove
Telephone Road to Tall City
Triangle to Buffalo
Vealmoor to Longdraw
Yosemite to Triangle
Salt Mine to Barber Lake
Skywest to Driver
Stiles to Ringo
Tall City to Pecan Grove
Telephone Road to Tall City
Triangle to Buffalo
Vealmoor to Longdraw
CCN Projects

Wadsworth to Farmland
Abernathy to North
Abernathy to Wadsworth
Ogallala to Abernathy